Understanding Reverse Osmosis and How It Will Benefit Your Family


Understanding Reverse Osmosis and How It Will Benefit Your Family
Reverse osmosis is a buzzword that you’ve likely heard often. 水公司把它印在瓶装水的标签上,你可能有朋友有 reverse osmosis water filter 在他们家里. But if you don’t have one of your own, 你可能不知道它会让你的水变得美味,也有潜在的健康益处. Reverse osmosis is the gold standard of water filtration. 先进的工艺将完美的水直接送到你的水龙头,改变了整个饮用水行业. 反渗透的最终目的是尽可能给你带来最干净的水. It can filter out almost every element you don’t want in your water, 从矿物质到细菌和微生物再到污染物和化合物. 经过反渗透,你的水将是安全的,健康的饮料,味道很好. How, exactly, does it accomplish all that? 反渗透工作原理背后的秘密是什么?为什么水专家对它如此重视? Once you know about the potential benefits to you and your family, you may find yourself shopping for a home water filtration system 给你的家人.

Understanding Reverse Osmosis

To understand reverse osmosis, you must first understand osmosis. Say you have two bodies of water, one salt water and one fresh water, with a membrane separating them. 自然, 淡水会流过薄膜,与盐水混合,因为盐水密度较小,流动更容易. 水会继续朝这个方向流动,直到膜两边的水相等. Bringing everything into balance is the name of the game. 当水向相反方向流动时,就会发生反渗透. Reversing the process requires a little external help. In order to reverse the natural process, pressure is applied to the more concentrated water, forcing water molecules through the membrane. 结果是, 这种膜可以去除水中不需要的化合物和污染物的极小颗粒, exceeding the capabilities of any traditional filter.

Reverse Osmosis in Your Home

When reverse osmosis is used in a home or commercial setting, 反渗透科学应用于整个供水系统. Pressure forces the water through a membrane, 从水分子中剥离不需要的元素,使它们能够渗透到膜上. 当不需要的矿物质和化学物质从饮用水中去除时,它尝起来新鲜可口. 在家庭系统中, 反渗透过程需要多个步骤和多个过滤器,以确保良好的最终效果.
  • 泥沙过滤. 第一步是从供水系统中滤出任何不需要的颗粒. The 沉积物 filter aims to clean up the water by removing dirt, 沉积物, 沙子, or rust before it moves on to more specialized filters.
  • 活性炭过滤器. 碳过滤器的作用是去除水中的任何化合物. 活性炭过滤掉任何比斑点大的东西,并利用键合离子阻止化合物穿过. 它将在水到达反渗透过滤器之前处理去除氯或其他污染物. Some systems use two carbon filters and repeat this step.
  • 反渗透过滤器. Once the filters remove the larger particles to clean up the water, it makes its way through the reverse osmosis membrane. 压力迫使水通过一层膜,除去任何比水重的分子. Elements and compounds such as lead, 钠, 氯, 矿物质, and fluoride cannot pass through the membrane. In the end, only pure water remains.
  • 贮槽. 许多系统使用储罐来储存经过反渗透的水. Water will continue to accumulate until the holding tank is full. You will have clean water ready on demand any time you want it.
  • 活性炭过滤器 (Polishing Filter). 在你喝之前,你的水会经过最后一个过滤器来“抛光”它. 这最后一步确保不会有化学物质或矿物质残留在你的水中. This final step ensures that 99.9% of every possible particle in your water is gone. 经过反渗透的水干净、安全,而且味道非常新鲜.
Reverse osmosis far exceeds what any filter can do to water. By removing the trace particles, 人们可以确信他们饮用的水对整个家庭都是安全的.

Reverse Osmosis and Hard Water

容易发生硬水的地理区域从反渗透技术中获益显著. 生活在德克萨斯州中部或中西部北部地区的人们对硬水的恐怖再熟悉不过了. 这些极端硬水的区域使得很难通过硬水带来的令人不快的味道和气味. 整个房子的水软化剂和过滤器为多种目的创造奇迹, but aren’t always able to guarantee fresh-tasting drinking water. 如果你的目标是为你和你的家人提供绝对最好的饮用水,一个家 反渗透系统 是你最好的选择吗?. Not only will you drink more water, 但在去除不受欢迎的化学物质和化合物后,它保证是安全的. 专业的自来水公司可以到你家,让水专家安装一个反渗透系统,在几个小时内清理你的饮用水. The benefits will impact your family for years to come, and it will be an investment you are glad you made.